Lady Gaga has revealed on Twitter that more than 30 fans broke into her garage at her rented accomodation a few hours ago in Lima, Peru. She was naked in the kitchen looking for leftovers from the Thanksgiving dinner when she saw them on the security camera.The 26-year-old pop star is currently on tour in Peru and flew her friends and family to celebrate Thanksgiving.
thanksgiving story: woke up for leftovers in kitchen (naked)- stumbled on security camera revealing 35 monsters in my garage #why #iloveu#why #iloveu
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) November 23, 2012
then found Nanny Poppins @emmaadaoui trapped in basement between the fans and food. i rescued her, she's ok now.
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) November 23, 2012
i should be mad i guess except i tried to figure out how to slide stuffing under the door, but theres no cat-flap
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) November 23, 2012
to any little monsters trying to get in my house at the moment IF YOU SEE A LARGE ITALIAN MAN yelling about sleep IT IS NOT JOE GERMANOTTA
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) November 23, 2012