The representative of "Bendo Sloco", a non-profit organization dedicated to water conservation has been protesting against the new creative project of Lady Gaga at the Hearst Castle in San Simeo , California. The conflict is focused in the wasting of tons of water gallons used to fill the empy 'Neptune pool' where Gaga is making a series of videos with her 250 crew members including her dancers, choreographers, swimmers and security staff. A spokesperson of the organization has been talking in a recent radio interview. Listen to it below!
A rep for the Hearst Castle Preservation Foundation confirmed that Gaga was at the castle to work on filming a water-conservation PSA dedicated to the castle’s uniqueness. Gaga also donated $250,000 to the foundation, which proved her commitment to promote the preservation and the monument, convincing the board to allow filming to take place at the location -- a rare privilege for shoots of a commercial nature.