Feb 23, 2016

Lady Gaga Might Return on American Horror Story Season 6

Lady Gaga Might Return on American Horror Story Season 6

American Horror Story star Angela Bassett stopped by EW’s offices to promote and talk about her new film titled London Has Fallen wich is set to premiere on March 4. Bassett was asked about her future character on the sixth season of American Horror Story, how was the experience working with Lady Gaga on the past season and she also spilled some huge details about Gaga's return to the series.

It was exciting.You knew she’d be an formidable force and foe and indeed she was.I hear, I think, perhaps that she’s out to return. She had a good time with us. -Angela Bassett.

And most importantly!, the question everyone wants to know: could Gaga be back for next season?

Says Bassett, I hear, I think, perhaps that she’s out to return. She had a good time with us.

According to Bassett, she declared she’ll definitely be back for another round of AHS and reveals that co-creator Ryan Murphy has teased her with a few details of her upcoming role for the season. “He did tell me at the Golden Globes that I would imbibe a little bit too much and yet I was very inuitive also and maybe Sarah [Paulson] was somehow the boss of me.”