Oct 2, 2016

Lady Gaga Interviewed on FOX Sports

Lady Gaga Interviewed on FOX Sports

Lady Gaga made an special appearance on FOX Sports this Sunday morning to announce she will be  headlining the 2017 Super Bowl LI Half Time Show. Wearing an NFL t-shirt and a pair of shiny metallic shorts, Gaga told Curt Menafee and Michael Strahan what was her reaction when she found out she had been invited to perform on America's biggest stage. Watch the 2-minute interview below.

Maybe it's too sentimental, but I just burst into tears, I just cried so hard. I just kept saying, 'I can't believe it, I can't believe it. I've been planning this since I was 4 so I know exactly what I'm going to do. That night, it will be special. 

Gaga added: "For me it’s all about giving to the fans and bringing people together that wouldn’t normally come together. The thing is it's such a big world stage in terms of how many people see it and it's been done so many times, I think the challenge is to look at it and say, 'What can I do differently? How can I elevate certain little things here and there and also make it about the music?' I really want to sing for everyone."