Oct 3, 2016

Lady Gaga Interviewed by Carson Daly on AMP Radio

Lady Gaga Interviewed by Carson Daly on AMP Radio

Lady Gaga sat down with Carson Daly yerterday morning (October 2) on 97.1 AMP Radio to talk about her upcoming new album Joanne, her forthcoming performance at the 2017 Super Bowl LI Halft Time Show, her work in studio with Mark Ronson, her upcoming big screen debut on Bradley Cooper's 'A Star Is Born' film and much more. Listen to the whole interview below

About her new album Joanne and the genres on it:

“The album has a lot of different vibes on it,” she told Carson. “There’s country, there’s folk on it, there’s dance on it, funk, there’s rock, there’s a lot of pop…pop songs with all these different influences of music. What I wanted to do was bring all different types of people together, that love different things,” she continued. “And have somebody that didn’t think they could normally be friends with somebody that loves country music be friends with them.”

Her aunt Joanne and her inspiration on the album:

“I thought if she was still here, what would she have to say? And the truth is, she wouldn’t be on her cell phone and she wouldn’t be worried about what anybody thought of her, or on the internet all day. She would be looking around at life because she didn’t get to live it. The spirit of Joanne came through me in every song, so that’s what this album is about. It’s a lot about human connection and you can hear it through the music.”

Performing in Dive Bars for her upcoming mini-promo tour:

“When you play in a big arena – which is wonderful – or in a stadium, I’ve done that before a lot too and it’s just an incredible and amazing rush, it feels good for you as a performer, maybe, but for the audience, they’re a lot farther away from you,” she explained. “Dive bars, by the way that I grew up in New York when I was 19 on the Lower East Side, everybody had a production. It’s intimate, but you also have to think of things that are simple on your own and it requires using your mind on a small stage. I want people to show up and see something very big in a very small place.”

Her performance for the Super Bowl LI Half Time Show:

“The best way to push the envelope is with your guts and your talent,” she said of her vision for the career-defining performance. “And then you also want to push the envelope in terms of your creativity and your music and taking the show to the next level, but I don’t know if it’s the place to push the envelope in other ways. In some ways, I want to lightly lick the envelope, hop inside, close it, write my name on it, and the thing is that I really just want to be there for football fans because that’s what I’m hired to do.”

“I think this is a good time for me to be like Switzerland in all of this and be quite neutral about football. I will say that I grew up – my mom is from West Virginia – and so I grew up with a household of yelling Steelers fans and I’m very happy about that. But my position is to not be fighting for one team over the other.”

Working with Mark Ronson on 'Perfect Illusion':

"The truth is that we have a wonderful friendship and we are comrades asmusicians so we spend a lot of time playing together, just you know: guitar, piano and vocal, and writing things, poetry with my typewriter out and then we start working and bringing another people. Bloodpop worked on Perfect Ilusion as well and he was the producer on 'Sorry' the Justin Bieber record so, we have a few different players troughout the whole album and, the truth is that we wanted to make a pop album but we wanted to make it which is you know backwards an completely different, irrelevant and not trendy in any way. Since the beginning of my career it's always been my emo when making music, I always wanted to push the envelope".

Working with Bradley Cooper on 'A Star Is Born':

"Me and Bradley work really well together. I'm very grateful to him. It's just an incredible experience. The best part of it is that we get to have an exchange with each other because I'm the music expert and he's the acting expert you know so, we get to sit together and teach each other things so,  he really makes me a better actress and he's gonna make me a much much better actress. He's just a great great guy."