Nov 2, 2016

Lady Gaga Held 'Joanne' Press Conference in Japan

Lady Gaga Held 'Joanne' Press Conference in Japan

Lady Gaga, who's currently promoting her new album Joanne in Japan has held a press conference in which she spoke about the album, the lyrics and their meanings, her devoted love for Japan and more.

Gaga mentioned: "As soon as I got to the hotel last night, I went to my room with the Haus of Gaga, my creative team, and we put together all of my performances and outfits for the week and talked about all the things we wanted to do here in Tokyo. The most important thing is that we wanted to spread the message of love and positivity to everyone in Japan. So I haven't gotten to go out yet and have any recreational fun but I'm here to do the thing that I love the most which is to spread love."

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Gaga received a pink Japanese kimono from Universal Music Japan as a sign of gesture at the end of the event. "I just to say thank you to Universal for always supporting me" she added. "And thank you to all of the people in Japan. For my album Joanne to be number one for a second week is a huge honor for me and my family. This name, Joanne, is the single most important name that I can remember hearing growing up. For it to reverberating through the homes of so many people in Japan means the world to me."

Be sure to get your copy of Joanne via iTunes, Amazon, or at your local record shop and don't forget to stream the album on Spotify and Apple Music as well.