Nov 7, 2016

Lady Gaga To Attend Hillary Clinton's Rally in North Carolina

Lady Gaga To Attend Hillary Clinton's Rally in North Carolina

Lady Gaga among other artist including Jon Bon Jovi and Mark Ronson's sister DJ Samantha Ronson will join Hillary Clinton on Monday, November 7th at the final midnight "Get Out the Vote" rally at Reynolds Coliseum in Raleight, North Carolina at a Democratic Party rally.  Ex-president Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton will attend the rally. Hillary will lay out her plans to create an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, and remind everyone to get out and vote on Tuesday, November 8th.

Gaga has been supporting Hillary since the beginning of the presidential campaing and days ago has expressed her opinion on Japanese television about Donal Trump saying: "I think that the best thing we can do is unite the country as much as possible. Our Republican candidate has done, unfortunately, a good job of dividing the country in order to promote his campaign. And what needs to be done now is that we need to come together with compassion, and love, and dignity as a country and restore democracy and everything that our country is about which is welcoming people and taking care of them, giving them an opportunity." 

 She added: "Because I am 'celebrity,' I have insight into the type of person Donald Trump is. And the truth is that we know that he's an actor and this is an act. We are standing with her not just because she's far superior as the choice for president, but we're also standing with her because it would be a complete disaster to elect someone who's essentially a political imposter.