Would you like to be the new face of Lady Gaga's startup makeup company? Haus Laboratories is giving away a big opportunity to achieve it. Six biggest Mother Monster's most loyal and devoted fans can have the chance to be part of an upcoming campaign alongside some HAUS special guests and be flown to Los Angeles, California.
To participate, you will have to complete the following and easiest rules:
1- Follow Haus Laboratories (@hauslabs) Instagram account.
2- Tell them in the post selected, why you're the ultimate Little Monster & makeup lover.
3- Tag on you post 3 fellow Little Monsters on the post.
* For an extra chance, you can share the post on your Instagram Stories and tag @hauslabs
The more you comment, the more chances you have to win. Winners will be announced on or after 1/22 Please take note that this contest is only for participants living in the United States and No purchase is required in order to win a prize, and should you make any purchase this will not improve your chances of winning.