Apr 6, 2020

Lady Gaga Announces 'One World' on Fallon, Kimmel & Colbert Shows

Lady Gaga Announces 'One World' on Fallon, Kimmel & Colbert Shows

After her video call at the WHO's press conference, Lady Gaga took time to call into Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert on Monday night on their 'home editions', to announce her curated One World: Together at Home special that will air on April 18 worldwide to support health workers and their fight against the global pandemic COVID-19.

The major late-night giants will come together to help host the online event that will be broadcasted simultaneously on NBC, ABC, CBS as well as Facebook Live, YouTube, iHeartMedia, BBC UK, Twitter, Yahoo, Tidal, Amazon Prime Video and more.

Gaga also let know that this is not a fundraiser event, it is a charity event, emphasizing that the $35 millions coming from a mixture of corporations and organizations like IBM and Cisco were raised before the show so the people at home don't have to worry about donating during the broadcast

''The truth is I feel very blessed to have a home, I feel blessed that I have access to good food that is healthy and clean, and I wanted to figure out what I could do with my time to be of service. I just want to help in whatever way I can,'' Gaga told Jimmy Kimmel. 

During her chat with Fallon, Gaga even called Apple CEO Tim Cook to confirm a "quite sizable" donation of $10 million to the WHO's COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. Watch Gaga's late nights appearances below.