Apr 9, 2020

Lady Gaga Talks 'One World' Benefit Concert at MSNBC's Morning Joe

Lady Gaga Talks 'One World' Benefit Concert at MSNBC's Morning Joe

Lady Gaga talked this Thursday morning about the online benefit concert she has curated, in partnership with the World Health Organization and Global Citizen on MSNBC's Morning Joe. 

''I do believe that entertainers and artists have a unique ability to make people smile. Those who want to, I would like to give them permission to smile during this time and laugh when they can no matter how hard it gets. I want to remind them that there are artists that really love them. I feel that we are actually witnessing an absolute triumph of bravery and courage that is unprecedented during a global pandemic and that the medical community should be celebrated."

IBM's Ginny Rometty and PepsiCo's Kirk Tanner joined the discussion and talk about the importance of the event and ways their companies can make to help and find solutions against this worldwide pandemic. 

"We are grateful at Pepsi to be partnering with Lady Gaga and Global Citizen and we can't tell you how humbled we are. I think this is a wonderful opportunity to bring people together to do something really good" Tanner added. "The team came to me 3 weeks ago looking for something genuinely to do good, and how do we leverage the things and the resources companies like PepsiCo have to do something really positive for the community and frontlines, and this one opportunity that came up and we're incredibly grateful to be part of it. "

Ginny on the other side mentioned that IBM's ''2020 Call for Code'' challenge is looking for innovation and solution through the almost 20 million application developers who are coding: ''We have put $25 million behind that challenge for them [developers], to put their efforts towards solutions.''